Hi Moms and Dads,
We enjoyed many Dr.Seuss activities last week. One of our highlights was Mr. Neu reading "Green Eggs and Ham" to the whole kindergarten. As we walked through many Dr. Seuss books we met a number of characters. Our
reading and language arts curriculum was enhanced by the rhyming text and word families that we find in his books. We are so excited about continuing our walk with Dr. Seuss next week.
Next week: March 5 - 9
*High Frequency Words: want, was, know, who, what, when, why, where
*Informational Text Writing
*Reading a book
*Phonics Focus: short vowel words, blends, digraphs
*Time: focus on parts of a clock, order of events, time to hour and half hour
*Money: counting groups of coins (add-on counting) - dimes & pennies, nickels &
pennies, quarter & pennies
*Addition practice
*Mental math: adding 1, 2, or 3 to a number
*Introduce subtraction
*Jesus and the children
*Target truths
God has a special plan for each child
Scripture Memory: Psalm 100:2a
Dates to Remember;
Field Trip: March 22nd Lanark Wildlife Federation
depart 8:30 and return 11:30
March 23: 1/2 day early dismissal
Spring break: March 26 - March 30
Have a great week!
In Christ,
Mary McDavid
Trinity Presbyterian School
email: mmcdavid@trinitywildcats.com
Col 3:1-2 - :If then you have been raised up with Christ, keep seeking the things above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. Set your mind on the things above and not on the things that are on earth.