1st 9 Weeks
- Participates in story discussion
- Listens to story attentively
- Recognizes sequence
- Identifies capital and lower case letters s, m, r, t, n, b, t, h, v
- Identifies sounds for s, m, r, t, n, b, t, h, v
- Reads high frequency words: I, see, my, like, a
- Reads and writes word family: at
- Writes the letters s, m, r, t, n, b, h, v correctly
- Participates in shared writing
- Identifies color words
- Identifies numbers 1 - 10
- Writes numbers 1 - 10
- Counts objects using one-to one correspondence
- Counts to 25
- Counts to 100 by 10s
- Sorts by size, shape, and/or color
- Identifies and creates patterns
- Demonstrates understanding of position and location words