Hi Moms and Dads,
* High Frequency Words: for
*Language/Writing Skills: using opposites, writing about signs
*Phonics focus: Short vowels, blending /d/
*Comprehension skill focus: Text organization and summarizing
Handwriting Skills:
* Sentence writing using the headline, midline and baseline.
* Spacing between words
Math - Topic 9 Measurement:
* Comparing and ordering by size
* Comparing and ordering by length
* Measuring length
* Problem Solving
Bible -
* Samson, God's Strong Man
* Scripture reference Judges 13-16
* Character Trait - Humility
Jan 16 - Holiday - MLK Day
Jan 19 - Thursday - Open House for perspective parents
Jan 25 - Wednesday - 100 Day Party
Please remember to practice number words, recognition of numbers to 50, counting by 5s, and high frequency words.
Have a great week! You are a blessing
In Christ,
Mary McDavid
Trinity Presbyterian School
email: mmcdavid@trinitywildcats.com
Col 3:1-2 - :If then you have been raised up with Christ, keep seeking the things above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. Set your mind on the things above and not on the things that are on earth.