Friday, January 13, 2012

Hi Moms and Dads,

 We have had a wonderful week!  It is so nice getting back in the swing of things.

 Senora Hixson visited us this week and shared  traditions celebrated on New Years in Spain.  We are so excited about our journey and learning about the special holidays.

 We have really been focussing on short vowels this week.  Ask us about the special sounds they have.  The children are working so hard.  I am very proud of them. 

Week of January 16 - 20  

* Blending and segmenting sounds
* Phonics focus /z/
* Cause and Effect
* New word - have
* Identifying beginning, medial and ending sounds
* Our readers came home during the week in blue folders.  We will begin bringing home our ziplock bags again next Friday.

* Fractions-halves and equal parts
* Ordinal Numbers-through tenth

King Soloman
* Target Truth 
     * Little sins can turn into big sins if they are not weeded out of our life.                                    
     * God gives us wisdom

Jan 16 - Holiday - MLK Day
Jan 19 - Thursday - Open House for perspective parents
Jan 25 - Wednesday - 100 Day Party
Feb 10 - Valentines Day Party changed due to Kindergarten Testing!

In Christ,

Mary McDavid
Trinity Presbyterian School

Col 3:1-2 - :If then you have been raised up with Christ, keep seeking the things above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God.  Set your mind on the things above and not on the things that are on earth