Sunday, January 29, 2012

Hi Moms and Dads,

We are so thankful that Walker is home from the hospital and doing much better.  We are excited that he will be coming back to school on Monday.  Many prayers were answered.  

We had the most fabulous week.  Our 100 Day Party was on Wednesday.  During our party we rotated math stations.  We loved being able to move around the room.  Our party ended with a Birthday Cake and the class singing Happy Birthday to 100 days.  We blew out the candles but the best part was eating the cake.  A special "Thank You" to all the mothers for helping with our 100 Day Party.  

Friday was awesome!  Our class enjoyed finding their shoes on the window sill filled with treats.  We shared the Spanish celebration of the "Festival of The Three Kings" with several lower elementary classes.  We got to visit other classes and have them share unique Spanish traditions:  1st in a soccer match each goal is followed with a rousing cheer - OLAY!  2nd, we learned a Spanish dance.  3rd we learned about different Spanish foods and got to taste bread dipped in oil.  Lastly, we heard a Spanish Fairy Tale and saw a sea serpent gliding across the floor as if he were in the ocean.   For a minute we thought the sea serpent was real!  Later in the morning we traveled to the Library to hear a Spanish story and watch Spanish cartoons.  Everyone was tired but we had had a grand time on our trip to Spain.  There was so much to see and learn but we are glad to be home.  Thank you to Senora Hixon for planning our trip.

Stars of the Week for the rest of the year:

Mary Massey - Jan 30 - Feb 3
Erin - Feb 27 - Mar 2
Ross - Mar 5 - Mar 9
Ansley - Mar 12 - Mar 16
Walker - April 23 - April 27
McClain - April 30 - May 4

We had a short week due to the 100 Day Party and our Spanish Festival.  We will continue with last weeks skills in reading. 

We are continuing to focus on short vowels.  We love the special sounds they have.  The children are working so hard.  I am very proud of them.    

Week of January 30 - February 3   

* Blending and building short "Oo" words
* Phonics focus - we will revisit Tt, Kk and Nn
* Fantasy and realism
* New word - said
* Naming and rhyming words
* Speech bubbles

* Addition - stories about joining
* Using the + (plus) sign
* Finding sums

Daniel and His Friends
* Target Truths 
     * We should always have the courage to do right                              
     * God has promised to always be with us
*Scripture memory - Deuteronomy 31:6a

Feb 10 - Valentine's Day Party changed due to Kindergarten Testing! 10:45
Feb 17 - Friday Holiday 
Feb 20 - Monday Holiday - President's Day

I will not be at school tomorrow.   Ben and I will be in Birmingham as our daughter Carolyn and her husband Brandon adopt a second child, a little girl named Penny.  She has been their foster child for 3 years and has just turned four.  Have a great week!  You continue to be a blessing to me.  

In Christ,

Mary McDavid
Trinity Presbyterian School

Col 3:1-2 - :If then you have been raised up with Christ, keep seeking the things above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God.  Set your mind on the things above and not on the things that are on earth.

Friday, January 20, 2012

Hi Moms and Dads,

 We have had an exciting week!  Everyone enjoyed their holiday on Monday.  Haden Payne, Merritt's mother, shared many traditions from her time spent in Spain.  She wore a beautiful Spanish dance dress which the children loved.  We appreciate Hayden taking the time to share her experiences in Spain with the kindergarten.  Friday we used pizza slices to discuss equal parts in math.  

Thursday night we had a fantastic Open House for prospective students for next year.  Thanks to all who worked so hard to make the Open House a success.

Senora Hixson visited us again this week and shared traditions celebrated during the Festival of the Three Kings.  As a part of this tradition we made shoes to put on the window sill for the Kings to leave gifts for the children.  We are so excited about our journey and learning about the special holidays.  We will spend one more week in Spain before we return home.

In Math we have been talking about equal parts.  Today each child had their own individual pizza.  We divided the pizza into halves and divided the halves into fourths.

We are continuing to focus on short vowels.  We love the special sounds they have.  The children are working so hard.  I am very proud of them.    

Week of January 23 - 27  

* Blending and building short "Oo" words
* Phonics focus - we will revisit Tt, Kk and Nn
* Fantasy and realism
* New word - said
* Naming and rhyming words
* Speech bubbles
* Our readers came home today, Friday, January 20th.  Be sure and enjoy the reader with your child this week.  Remember they are to be returned by next Friday. 

* Fractions-halves and equal parts
* Ordinal Numbers-through tenth

Elisha the Prophet
* Target Truths 
     * Even small children can serve God.                                   
     * God wants us always to show kindness to others
     * We must obey God to receive the benefits of many of His promises.
*Scripture memory - Proverbs 20:11

Jan 25 - Wednesday - 100 Day Party 8:30 - 9:30
Feb 10 - Valentines Day Party changed due to Kindergarten Testing! 10:45
Feb 17 - Friday Holiday 
Feb 20 - Monday Holiday - President's Day

Have a great week!  You continue to be a blessing to me.  

In Christ,

Mary McDavid
Trinity Presbyterian School

Col 3:1-2 - :If then you have been raised up with Christ, keep seeking the things above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God.  Set your mind on the things above and not on the things that are on earth

Friday, January 13, 2012

Hi Moms and Dads,

 We have had a wonderful week!  It is so nice getting back in the swing of things.

 Senora Hixson visited us this week and shared  traditions celebrated on New Years in Spain.  We are so excited about our journey and learning about the special holidays.

 We have really been focussing on short vowels this week.  Ask us about the special sounds they have.  The children are working so hard.  I am very proud of them. 

Week of January 16 - 20  

* Blending and segmenting sounds
* Phonics focus /z/
* Cause and Effect
* New word - have
* Identifying beginning, medial and ending sounds
* Our readers came home during the week in blue folders.  We will begin bringing home our ziplock bags again next Friday.

* Fractions-halves and equal parts
* Ordinal Numbers-through tenth

King Soloman
* Target Truth 
     * Little sins can turn into big sins if they are not weeded out of our life.                                    
     * God gives us wisdom

Jan 16 - Holiday - MLK Day
Jan 19 - Thursday - Open House for perspective parents
Jan 25 - Wednesday - 100 Day Party
Feb 10 - Valentines Day Party changed due to Kindergarten Testing!

In Christ,

Mary McDavid
Trinity Presbyterian School

Col 3:1-2 - :If then you have been raised up with Christ, keep seeking the things above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God.  Set your mind on the things above and not on the things that are on earth

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Hi Moms and Dads,

How wonderful it was to see everyone this week.  I've enjoyed having all my friends back together!  January will be an exciting month.   We are participating in a cultural study of Spain.  On Friday, we took an 8 hour "plane ride" to Barcelona, Spain to kick off our study.  We had our suitcases packed, our tickets taken up, and our passports stamped!  The Kindergarten classes will be focusing on Spanish holidays.  Our class will focus especially on the "Festival of the Three Kings". We will be working with some of Mrs. Miller's Art students to create and present our study to other grades.   We are looking forward to a fun filled journey into Spain.

Here is a peek at next  week - January 9 - 13 

Language Arts Skills:
High Frequency Words: for
*Language/Writing Skills: using opposites, writing about signs
*Phonics focus: Short vowels, blending /d/ 
*Comprehension skill focus:  Text organization and summarizing
Handwriting Skills: 
 * Sentence writing using the headline, midline and baseline.
 * Spacing between words

Math - Topic 9 Measurement:
 * Comparing and ordering by size
 * Comparing and ordering by length
 * Measuring length
 * Problem Solving

Bible - 
 * Samson, God's Strong Man
 * Scripture reference Judges 13-16
 * Character Trait - Humility

Jan 16 - Holiday - MLK Day
Jan 19 - Thursday - Open House for perspective parents
Jan 25 - Wednesday - 100 Day Party

Please remember to practice number words, recognition of numbers to 50, counting by 5s, and high frequency words.    

Have a great week! You are a blessing 

In Christ,

Mary McDavid
Trinity Presbyterian School

Col 3:1-2 - :If then you have been raised up with Christ, keep seeking the things above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God.  Set your mind on the things above and not on the things that are on earth.