Nov. 28 - Dec.3
Hi Moms and Dads,
I hope each of you had a wonderful Thanksgiving week. Know how thankful I am for you and your child. I am blessed each day. Your children are little rays of sunshine and love from God. Thank you for sharing them.
The week before Thanksgiving we started practicing for our upcoming Christmas Play, spent time with senior “giants,” met our new 5th grade buddies, attended chapel, and used the school’s new iTouch devices to practice skills. Finally, on the Friday before the holiday week the K4 students prepared our hearts for Thanksgiving by singing some great songs for us in the commons area. On top of all of that excitement, we were able to praise God for keeping us all safe from the tornadoes on Wednesday.
This time of year is busy schedule-wise, but for our students it is also busy academically! The students have learned so much over the last few months and I am thrilled to see the progress they have made. Below you will see a peek at our plans for this week:
Language Arts Skills:
Handwriting Skills: Kk, Qq, Rr, Hh, Jj
*spacing between words* "one finger space"
Math: Odd and Even Numbers, Counting to 100, Counting Groups of 10, Patterns on a 100s Chart, Skip Counting by 2 and 5, teen numbers
Christmas/Christmas Play Practice (Please help your child practice.)
They are doing an amazing job! One of the best first weeks of practice that i can remember.
Bible - We will be focusing on Jesus, The Reason For The Season during the next three weeks. What a privilege it is to learn about and spend time reflecting on our Lord and Savior with each child!
Costumes will come home this week. They should be cleaned, ironed and brought back to school by Monday, December 5th.
Wednesday, December 7th - Christmas Play for Lower School
Thursday, December 8th - Christmas Play for Upper School
Friday, December 9th - Christmas Play for Parents at 9:00 AM
Please remember to practice number words, recognition of numbers to 50, counting by 5s, and high frequency words.
Have a great week! You are a blessing to me.
In Christ,
Mary McDavid
Trinity Presbyterian School
email: mmcdavid@
seeking the things above, where Christ is, seated at the right
hand of God. Set your mind on the things above and not on
the things that are on earth