Saturday, October 8, 2011

Hi Moms and Dads,

We have had a fabulous week. A 
highlight this week was McClain Brown joining our class.   The children have welcomed McClain with open arms.  

Continue to read with your child each night.  The children's reading skills are really improving.  We continue to work on our listening skills and following directions.  The children work so well together.  They have learned to assist each other when one is in need of help.  They are putting the fruits of the spirit and the golden rule into action.  What a blessing!

October  10th - 14th

Language Arts:
*High Frequency Words - to, a, I, like, my, see,
         at word family, an word family
*Phonics Focus - Cc
*Blending short a words
*Action words
*Comprehension Skills - cause and effect

Math:*Comparing numbers through 10
*Comparing numbers to 5 and to 10
*1 and 2 More and Fewer
*Number words

Handwriting Skills:
*Letter formation
*Sentence building

Bible :
*Joseph In Egypt  Genesis 39 - 46
*Target Truth - God wants us to forgive others

Dates to Remember:
*Columbus Day Holiday - Monday, Oct. 10th
*Field Trip to Dreamfield Farms Pumpkin Patch - Tuesday,  Oct. 18th
(There is no limit on chaperons, however, there is a $5 charge for each adult.  Student costs were included in the
activity fee.)
*Homecoming - Friday, October 21st (early dismissal at 11:30)
*Parent Conferences - Friday, October 28th (Holiday for children)

Please remember to send 15 snacks when your child is the snack person.  Have a great week.  You continue to be a blessing to me.

In Christ,

Mary McDavid
Trinity Presbyterian School

Col 3:1-2 - "If then you have been raised up with Christ, keep seeking the things above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God.  Set your min
d on the things above and not on the things that are on earth