Hi Moms and Dads,
We have had another great week. The behavior in my class has been superb this week. The children are so proud of themselves for getting a sticker each day this week. I am proud of them too. They made wise choices all week.
Everyone is enjoying their book box. The children love choosing a book from their box when their work is completed. At the end of the nine weeks these books will go home forever. We will start over with new books.
This week From Behind the Yellow Door
*Letter Bb
*High Frequency Words - I, see. my, like
*Family Words
*Language: Using exact naming words (nouns)
*Identify characters and setting in a story
*"Three Little Bears"
*Journal Writing using high frequency words
*Numbers and Number Words 0-5
*Exploring different ways to show a number
*Story of Noah "Noah did all that the Lord commanded him. Genesis 7:5
Important Dates
*Casual for a cause Thursday, September 15th
*Fall Festival--September 23rd 2-3 p.m.
*Field trip to Dreamfield Farms Pumpkin Patch--Tuesday,
October 18th (There is no limit on chaperones however there is a $5 charge per adult. Student costs were included in the Activity Fee.)
Friday is Teddy Bear Picnic Day. Our teddy bears will come to school on Thursday and spend the night at Trinity! Fabulous Friday will be full of Gummy Bear sorting, teddy bear counting and graphing and journal writing about our bear's adventure.
We will be having "Brown Bag Share" next week. Every day a different table will be bring something to share in a brown lunch bag. Help my friends come up with clues so that we can guess what is in their brown bag. I will send home the brown bag in their folders on their day.
Tuesday-red table
Wednesday-blue table
Thursday-yellow table
Thank you to all of my Moms who have signed up to help me. I really appreciate it. All of you and your children are such a blessing to me.
In Christ,
Mary McDavid
Trinity Presbyterian School
email: mmcdavid@trinitywildcats.com
blog: http://yellowdoortrinity.blogspot.com
Col 3:1-2 "If then you have been raised up with Christ, keep seeking the things above, where Christ is seated at the right hand of God. Set your mind on the things above and not on the things that are on the earth."