Hi Moms and Dads,
We had a great week. Testing went really well. The children stayed on task. It's over!! I know they are tired and anxious to get back to our normal schedule.
- Short e and short u word families
- Story building
- Using exact naming words (nouns)
- Spring stories and word charts
- Counting syllables
- Phoneme substitution (first and last)
- Phonic reader - Ken and Jen
- Journal writing: Jellly Bean Prayer
- Continue money unit
- Collect items for the Wildcat Warehouse
- Sorting, identifying and counting money
- The Easter Story
- Smartboard reading and math games
- Spring art activities
Dates to remember:
- Good Friday, April 22nd
- Easter Egg Hunt, Thursday, April 21st.
(we will leave immediately following chapel)
We are excited about our "Wildcat Warehouse". This will be a fun learning experience for the children. Have a great week. You continue to be a blessing to me.
Ecclesiastes 3:11 He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the hearts of men; yet they cannot fathom what God has done from beginning to end.
In Christ,
Mary McDavid