This has been another great week. Everyone enjoyed meeting Mrs. Wishy Washy and all of her animals. We will leave her animals enjoying the lovely mud.
Eric Carle and some of his critters will be our next new friends. He is one of my favorite children's authors. His stories and illustrations are incredible. The very hungry caterpillar ate and ate until he was big and fat but at the end of the story he surprised all of us. We hope the grouchy lady bug learns to be kind to her friends.
March 28-April 1
Next week in kindergarten...
Three Billy Goats Gruff
Mrs. McNosh Hangs Up the Wash
*Spring stories and word charts
*counting syllables
*phoneme substitution
*categorizing and classifying
*creating writing and illustrating class stories
*blending short e words
*building sentences
Phonics Reader-Pig Can Get Wet
*sorting, identifying and counting coins
*vocabulary-penny, nickel, dime, quarter, dollar
*interactive story-Miss Flamingo Spends!
The wise man builds his house upon the rock
*Matthew 7:24-27
*Target Truth-We need to learn to build our lives on the rock, Christ Jesus
*rhyming review
*number bingo
*smartboard reading and math games
*Spring art activities
Special dates:
Class pictures - March 31
ITBS Testing - April 4 - 8
Early dismissal at 11:15 after Friday's testing on April 8
April 8 - no lunchbunch
Good Friday Holiday - April 22
Early dismissal at 11:15 - May 16 & 17
You continue to be a blessing to me.
In Christ,
Mary McDavid