Saturday, March 26, 2011

News From Behind the Yellow Door

Hi Moms and Dads,

This has been another great week.   Everyone enjoyed meeting Mrs. Wishy Washy and all of her animals.  We will leave her animals enjoying the lovely mud.  

Eric Carle and some of his critters will be our next new friends.   He is one of my favorite children's authors.  His stories and illustrations are incredible.  The very hungry caterpillar ate and ate until he was big and fat but at the end of the story he surprised all of us.  We hope the grouchy lady bug learns to be kind to her friends. 

March 28-April 1
Next week in kindergarten...
Three Billy Goats Gruff
Mrs. McNosh Hangs Up the Wash
*Spring stories and word charts
*counting syllables
*phoneme substitution
*categorizing and classifying
*creating writing and illustrating class stories
*blending short e words
*building sentences
Phonics Reader-Pig Can Get Wet

*sorting, identifying and counting coins
*vocabulary-penny, nickel, dime, quarter, dollar
*interactive story-Miss Flamingo Spends!

The wise man builds his house upon the rock
*Matthew 7:24-27
*Target Truth-We need to learn to build our lives on the rock, Christ Jesus
*rhyming review
*number bingo
*smartboard reading and math games
*Spring art activities

Special dates:
Class pictures - March 31
ITBS Testing - April 4 - 8
Early dismissal at 11:15 after Friday's testing on April 8
April 8 - no lunchbunch
Good Friday Holiday - April 22
Early dismissal at 11:15 - May 16 & 17

You continue to be a blessing to me.

In Christ,

Mary McDavid

Ecclesiastes 3:11  He has made everything beautiful in its time.  He has also set eternity in the hearts of men; yet they cannot fathom what God has done from beginning to end.

Monday, March 21, 2011

News From Behind the Yellow Door

Hi Moms and Dads,  

March 21 - 25

Welcome Back!! Spring has sprung!  Hope you all had a wonderful Spring Break.  We will continue with Miss Wishy Washy, acting out the story, a little yummy mud writing and recreating the book.  We will also learn some lessons from our friends "The Tortoise and the Hare".

This week...
 -  first, next, then and last parts of the story
 -  creative writing
 -  rotation tubs with reading and math
 -  he, she, me and we (understanding and illustrating)
 -  adding, odd & even numbers, teen numbers, add-on counting
 -  writing 1 - 100
 -  counting by 2s, 5s and 10s
 -  short vowel review

*Remember to review around 10 minutes each night.  We are practicing counting by 2s, 5s and 10s. Review sight words, word families and numbers 1 - 100.  Practice for instant recognition.*

Dates To Remember:
April 4 - 8 ITBS Testing
April 22 Good Friday Holiday

We had a fabulous first day back from Spring Break!  The children were happy to be at school and ready to work.  They were alert, focused and glad to see each other.  I was really glad to see them and hear about their holiday.  

You continue to be a blessing to me  

In Christ,


Ecclesiastes 3:11  He has made everything beautiful in its time.  He has also set eternity in the hearts of men; yet they cannot fathom what God has done from beginning to end.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Hi Moms and Dads,

Have you ever eaten a Purple Cow?  Well, we enjoyed making and eating one today!  Ask us about the recipe!

March 7 - 11
  Kindergarten is a messy business....especially when we are working with "Oh Lovely Mud"!
Next week will be a week of fun with Mrs. Wishy-Washy!!! Mud, Mud, and More Mud as we spend a week of rotation stations reviewing our math and reading units!!  

 -creative writing
 - science experiments centered around mud
 - mud math with animal crackers (adding, odd & even numbers, teen numbers, add-on  counting)
 - graphing favorite characters
 - creative writing
 - reading, re-reading, retelling, and acting out Mrs. Wishy-Washy
    (characters, setting, beginning, middle, and ending parts of story)
-short vowel review 

*Remember to review around 10 minutes each night.  Review sight words and word families.  Practice for instant

Dates To Remember: 

March 11 - Science Fest
March  14 - 18 - Spring Break

We had another great week!  The children love writing in their journals.  They are doing an incredible job and are so creative.  It is such a treat to listen to them read in their readers.  I am absolutely thrilled with their progress.  

We were glad to learn that Coleman is home from the hospital and improving.  Please continue to pray for his healing. 

Today was Mrs. Debbie Olsen's last day with us.  She was such a blessing to me and the children.  I am glad to be completely back on my feet.  Thank you for all of your support and your prayers.  You continue to be a blessing to me.  

In Christ,


Ecclesiastes 3:11  He has made everything beautiful in its time.  He has also set eternity in the hearts of men; yet they cannot fathom what God has done from beginning to end.