Thursday, December 2, 2010

Tis the season....
The next two weeks will be full of Christmas fun as we focus on the birth of our Savior!  What a joy it is every day to watch as your children prepare to present their "heart gift" for Jesus.  The excitement is in the air and they are truly a precious example of how "Christmas isn't Christmas until it happens in your heart".
We will be centering our reading and math activities around "things that remind us of Christmas" and the incredible Christmas literature that we all love. 
*Manger-"The Stable Where Jesus Was Born"
-describing words
-high frequency words-go, here, is, to, it, see, like, my, and
-Journal writing-I can go here to see Jesus.
-Who was at the manger?
*Reindeer Fun-"Olive the Other Reindeer"
-Making Reindeer Sandwiches
-Reader-"Reindeer, Reindeer, What Do You See?
-Reindeer Art-Using shapes
-Reindeer Math
*Candy Cane-"The Legend of the Candy Cane"
-patterning with candy canes-candy cane ornaments and painting candy canes
*Christmas Tree-" The Tale of Three Trees
-ordinal numbers-Journal Writing
-sight word review
*Angels-"Alabaster's Song"
-summarizing, comprehension,
-angel math-counting by twos-problem solving
-angel art
*Stars-"The Christmas Star"
-countdown paper chain
-counting by 10's
-Christmas Play-Dec. 8, 9, 10
-Polar Express Day-Tuesday Dec. 14-Wear your pajamas as we get on board and journey to the North Pole.
-Christmas Party-Dec 16-10:30
-Caroling-Dec. 17- early dismissal 11:30

You and your children continue to bless my heart!