Friday, February 25, 2011

Hi Moms and Dads,

We had another great week.  
Every Friday your child brings home a ziploc bag with a reader for the week and the skill or skills we worked on in small group.  What a joy it is for me to have this time with my friends and listen to them read.  I hope that this is a special time for you  and your child to read together.    I want them to understand that every story is an adventure.  Reading can take you to so many different places.  The children are working hard in their readers.  Most children are excelling with their reading and are having no trouble learning new vocabulary.  A few of the children are struggling with both old and new words.  If your child struggles with the reader, I encourage you to  help them sound out the words and use their picture clues.  If they sail through it with no problem, we love to come up with alternate endings, additional characters and ideas that would extend the story.
Here are a  few ideas of things to talk about with your child as they read to you.
*main characters in the story
*interpret the illustrations (before reading the text)
*discuss story problem
*where does the story take place
*sequence of the story
*discuss your favorite part of the story

Thank you for all you do. The children and I are so excited about their reading progress.  Your listening to them read really helps and encourages them.    This is truly a team effort.
This week in kindergarten...

Feb 28 - March 4

EARLY MORNING*Academic tubs
*Phonemic Awareness Activities
*Devotional Story
*Morning Announcements

*Blending and Segmenting Phonemes
*Letter - Ww, sound and recognition
*Vocabulary review (I, see, my, like, a, to, and, go, is, here, for, have, said)
*New Word - play
*Using Action Words
*Introduce Short "e"
*Speech Balloons with animal sounds
*Phonemic Awareness Story: “Get Set! Play!"
*On My Way Practice Reader: "To Fan Fox"
*Comprehension and Predicting Outcomes

*Larger Numbers*Counting, Reading and Writing Numbers 11 - 20
*Patterns: Odd and Even
*Counting to 100
*Counting by 2, 5 and 10
*Smartboard lessons
*Hands on activities
*Luke 10: 25 - 37, John 10: 1 - 42
*The Good Shepherd
*Vocabulary:  Samaritan, Levite, wounded
*Target Truths:  Jesus takes care of His sheep
                            We need to take care of one another
*Smartboard Activities
  -Counting, Reading, Writing larger numbers 
  -Blending and segmenting phonemes
  -CVC-word writing
  -Tumblebooks read alongs
*P.E./Science Lab

Our numbers are growing each day as the children are bringing their pillow pets and dolls on a daily basis.  We understand their attachment to these "special friends".  As we prepare for first grade we ask that our "special friends" stay at home following "Spring Break".  Thank you for your cooperation and support.  We appreciate each of you and love your children.  

Have a restful weekend and a wonderful week.  You continue to be a blessing to me.

In Christ,


Ecclesiastes 3:11  He has made everything beautiful in its time.  He has also set eternity in the hearts of men:  yet they cannot fathom what God has done from beginning to end.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Hi Moms and Dads,

We had another great week.  The highlight of our week was the Valentine Party.  The party was wonderful and the children really enjoyed it.  The decorations were so festive and set the tone for the party.  Thank you to all the moms and dads who helped in any way.  

The children are bringing home Ziploc bags with readers.  Please listen to your child read and return the book in the Ziploc bag.  The children and I are so excited about their reading progress.  Your listening to them read really helps and encourages them.   

This week in kindergarten...

Feb 21 - 25

EARLY MORNING*Academic tubs
*Phonemic Awareness Activities
*Devotional Story
*Morning Announcements

*Blending and Segmenting Phonemes
*Letters-Review beginning and ending sounds
*Vocabulary review (here, is, said, the, to, go, for, an, a)
*Reading and Writing Sentences using High Frequency Words
*Singular and Plural naming words
*Ot, ox word families (short o sound)
*It, ig word families (short i sound)
*Speech Balloons with animal sounds
*Phonemic Awareness Story: “A Pot For Dan Cat”
*On My Way Practice Reader: "To Fan Fox"
*Comprehension and Predicting Outcomes
*Larger Numbers*Counting, Reading and Writing Numbers 11 - 20
*Patterns: Odd and Even
*Smartboard lessons
*Hands on activities
Bible*Mark 10: 46 - 52
*Jesus Heals The Sick
*Vocabulary:  Miracles, Mercy
*Target Truths:  Jesus Healed
                          Call on the Lord for Healing 
*Smartboard Activities
  -Counting, Reading, Writing larger numbers 
  -Blending and segmenting phonemes
  -CVC-word writing
  -Tumblebooks read alongs
*P.E./Science Lab

Have a restful weekend and enjoy the holiday on Monday.  You continue to be a blessing to me.

In Christ,


Ecclesiastes 3:11  He has made everything beautiful in its time.  He has also set eternity in the hearts of men:  yet they cannot fathom what God has done from beginning to end.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Hi Moms and Dads,

We have had a great week.  The children are really enjoying the Smartboard.  It is a very unique tool for reading and math.  

We are looking forward to our Valentine party on Monday at 10:30.  Each of you is invited to attend if your schedule permits.  Some of the children have not yet brought their valentines.  Please remember to send those on Monday.

Reminder:  Friday, February 18th was originally a holiday but is now a regular school day due to our snow day.  Monday, February 21st will be a holiday.

This week in kindergarten...

Feb 14 - 18

EARLY MORNING*Academic tubs
*Phonemic Awareness Activities
*Devotional Story
*Morning Announcements

*Blending and Segmenting Phonemes
*Letters-Review beginning and ending sounds
*Vocabulary review (here, is, said)
*New word:
*Reading and Writing Sentences using High Frequency Words
*Exact naming words
*Ot, ox word families (short o sound)
*Phonemic Awareness Story: “The Big, Big, Box”
*Comprehension and Predicting Outcomes
*Subtraction Sentences
*Subtraction Story Problems
*Comparing Quantities
*Smartboard lessons
*Hands on activities
BibleZaccheus and Nicodemus
*Smartboard Activities
  -subtraction and addition review
  -blending and segmenting phonemes
  -CVC-word writing
  -Tumblebooks read alongs
*P.E./Science Lab

I am now in a walking boot until March 2nd.  The children are so excited that I am able to stand.  Thank each of you for your prayers, support, and many acts of kindness.  You continue to be a blessing to me.

In Christ,


Ecclesiastes 3:11  He has made everything beautiful in its time.  He has also set eternity in the hearts of men;
yet they cannot fathom what God has done from beginning to end

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Hope everyone had a good weekend..We are sooooo ready for warmer weather!
This week in Kindergarten
Feb. 7th - 11th
Early Morning
-Academic tubs
-Morning Message
 -short "o" words - reading, writing, blending, building
-ot word family
-New vocabulary - said
-Phonic readers - Dot Got A Big Pot
-Leveled readers - These will be sent home in a bag on Friday.  Please read and return
                                by Weds.
-Journal Writing
-Rotation Stations
-Vocabulary -  left, separate, take away, minus sign (-), subtract
-Smartboard  Activities - Interactive math story and subtraction practice
-Story problems using manipulatives
-Subtraction sentences
-Comparing stories

-Jesus and the Children - Mark 10:14
-Character Trait - Courtesy
-My Happy Heart by Melody Carlson

Lunch Bunch
-Smartboard activities for subtraction and phonetic reading
-Valentine's stories and art
-Science Lab/P.E.

Monday, January 31, 2011

Sunday, February 6, 2011

ry McDavid

 to bcc: Ben, bcc: Carter, bcc: Chase, bcc: Coleman, bcc: Emma, bcc: Grayden, bcc: Lilly, bcc: Madison, bcc: Pruitt, bcc: Rosemary, bcc: Russell, bcc: Sara, bcc: Sarah, bcc: Tate, bcc: Virginia, bcc: Wesley
show details Jan 23
Hi Moms and Dads,

Jan. 24th - 28th
We will be  celebrating the 100th Day of School on Tuesday 25th.  We have planned many special activities.  We will start the day with 100th day centers so come ready to do things the "100th" way!
 Early Morning                                      
 - Academic tubs                                  
 - Devotion                                            
 - Zelda Zebra                                     
 - Morning Message                               .

-Zz - writing and dictionary page
-Vocabulary - for, have
-Short i words - reading, writing, breaking words apart
-Rotation Stations
-Journal Writing
-Leveled Readers

-Vocabulary - add, plus sign, equal signs, sum
-Problem Solving
-Smartboard Activities
-Creating story problems

-Jesus Grows up
-Target Truths - Jesus Loved God and others
                        - Jesus obeyed His parents
 LunchBunch  - Smartboard activities for Math Enrichment
  -Snowball Addition
  -Reading centers
  - Science Lab/P.E.s

Tomorrow I will see Dr. Randall.  Pray for a good report and a good strong cast.  Tell the children I love and miss them so much.   Ben and I spent about 5 hours at school late Saturday afternoon and evening.  We have arranged the room to be wheelchair friendly.  I pray that I will see them Tuesday. 

You continue to be a blessing to me.


Ecclesiastes 3:11  He has made everything beautiful in its time.  He has also set eternity in the hearts of men;
yet they cannot fathom what God has done from beginning to end.