We had another great week.
Every Friday your child brings home a ziploc bag with a reader for the week and the skill or skills we worked on in small group. What a joy it is for me to have this time with my friends and listen to them read. I hope that this is a special time for you and your child to read together. I want them to understand that every story is an adventure. Reading can take you to so many different places. The children are working hard in their readers. Most children are excelling with their reading and are having no trouble learning new vocabulary. A few of the children are struggling with both old and new words. If your child struggles with the reader, I encourage you to help them sound out the words and use their picture clues. If they sail through it with no problem, we love to come up with alternate endings, additional characters and ideas that would extend the story.
Here are a few ideas of things to talk about with your child as they read to you.
*main characters in the story
*interpret the illustrations (before reading the text)
*discuss story problem
*where does the story take place
*sequence of the story
*discuss your favorite part of the story
*main characters in the story
*interpret the illustrations (before reading the text)
*discuss story problem
*where does the story take place
*sequence of the story
*discuss your favorite part of the story
Thank you for all you do. The children and I are so excited about their reading progress. Your listening to them read really helps and encourages them. This is truly a team effort.
This week in kindergarten...
Feb 28 - March 4
EARLY MORNING*Academic tubs
*Phonemic Awareness Activities
*Devotional Story
*Morning Announcements
*Blending and Segmenting Phonemes
*Letter - Ww, sound and recognition
*Vocabulary review (I, see, my, like, a, to, and, go, is, here, for, have, said)
*Blending and Segmenting Phonemes
*Letter - Ww, sound and recognition
*Vocabulary review (I, see, my, like, a, to, and, go, is, here, for, have, said)
*New Word - play
*Using Action Words
*Introduce Short "e"
*Speech Balloons with animal sounds
*Phonemic Awareness Story: “Get Set! Play!"
*Phonemic Awareness Story: “Get Set! Play!"
*On My Way Practice Reader: "To Fan Fox"
*Comprehension and Predicting Outcomes
*Larger Numbers*Counting, Reading and Writing Numbers 11 - 20
*Patterns: Odd and Even
*Counting to 100
*Counting by 2, 5 and 10
*Smartboard lessons
*Hands on activities
*Smartboard lessons
*Hands on activities
*Luke 10: 25 - 37, John 10: 1 - 42
*The Good Shepherd
*Vocabulary: Samaritan, Levite, wounded
*Target Truths: Jesus takes care of His sheep
We need to take care of one another
*Smartboard Activities
-Counting, Reading, Writing larger numbers
-Blending and segmenting phonemes
-CVC-word writing
-Tumblebooks read alongs
-Tumblebooks read alongs
*P.E./Science Lab
Our numbers are growing each day as the children are bringing their pillow pets and dolls on a daily basis. We understand their attachment to these "special friends". As we prepare for first grade we ask that our "special friends" stay at home following "Spring Break". Thank you for your cooperation and support. We appreciate each of you and love your children.
Have a restful weekend and a wonderful week. You continue to be a blessing to me.
In Christ,
Ecclesiastes 3:11 He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the hearts of men: yet they cannot fathom what God has done from beginning to end.